The Internet is constantly evolving. Methods and mechanisms we took for granted just a few years ago are being replaced, upgraded, modified, or done away with completely. While keeping up with the changing landscape can be a challenge, it can help to remember that nearly every change the World Wide Web experiences is designed to make things easier on the user, the programmer, the search engines, or all three at once.
For example, href anchors are a response to the otherwise cumbersome inclusion of full web addresses in the middle of paragraphs of text, a practice which was not only unwieldy and unattractive, but also oftentimes prohibitive, since some web addresses can contain incredibly long strings of random characters. Anchor text allows an otherwise complicated and lengthy web address to fit nicely into your copy without breaking u the flow of your words.
The code that creates an anchor text tag follows a specific order, called the “A href tag syntax”. An “A” tag results in a hyp Continue reading “Why Use Anchor Text?”